Eating Awareness Quiz

Eating Awareness Quiz

How much do you know about disordered eating? Take the Eating Awareness Quiz and find out.
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So how did you do?

  There are still many things we don't know about eating disorders. But, we do know that people with eating disorders can find health and happiness in their lives with proper care and professional help. Mine is a journey that has taught me that being fat is neither about lack of willpower nor lack of self-discipline. Fat is about issues of anger, self-esteem, families and the messages we all internalize about our own bodies. Being overweight is about loneliness, emptiness, and voids that we try to fill with food. Being fat is the price we pay for failure to live up to impossible, unattainable, and unreasonable standards that someone else has set for us. I have devoted my professional career to helping people just like you and me. For a free consultation to discuss your situation and how I might help you, please contact me today. Dr. Virginia Porcello, Director Solutions Program for Eating Disorders
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